Friday, September 4, 2009

The Obama Health Care Plan

The Obama Health Care Plan

Let me see if I could understand the Obama Government Health Care Program. Our government had been denying veterans claims for health care for years. Our government gave Veterans crappy service at Walter Reed Veteran Hospital. Our government found out that they contaminated a few veterans by given them Hepatitis and HIV. Our government is having our veterans pay for their own combat related Injuries. Let's not forget having our Veterans identity stolen recently by a VA staff Worker. In addition, we have not had a VA Hospital in Southern Nevada since 2003. Oh yea, denying Agent Orange and Gulf War Syndrome for years, while veterans were Dying. Now they have provisions in the Obama Health Care bill to take care of illegal Immigrants. What about the men and women that are voters and fought for democracy given These politicians the right to get elected and govern us? Are these the type of people you want to be in charge of your health care system? They can't even take care of our Veterans. What crap! Steve SansonPresident of Veterans In Politics, Int.

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