Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Las Vegas Township Constable is for illegal immigration lets vote him out of office.

The Las Vegas Township Constable is for illegal immigration lets vote him out of office.

On July 25, 2009 on www.alltalkradio.net the Clark County Las Vegas Township Constable Robert "Bobby G" Gronauer told the interviews on the Veterans in Politics talk show that illegal have a constitutional right to be in this country and every illegal should have a roof over their heads in this country visit and listen to the interview: http://www.alltalkradio.net/alt/show.php?folder=veteransinpolitics. Listen to the attached interview and let’s vote him out of office. E-mail this to everyone you know.
If we let one elected official get away with this we need to let them all get away with it. Call his office and voice your opinion:

Las Vegas Township Robert "Bobby G." Gronauer 309 S. Third St.Las Vegas, NV 89155-2110 (702) 455-3404 (Phone) (702) 385-2436 (Fax)gronaura@co.clark.nv.us
Steve Sanson
President of Veterans In Politics
702 283 8088

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