Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Politicians that Cry Wolf

Politicians that Cry Wolf

Let me be clear I cannot stand when good Americans change who they are and their personality once they become a candidate or become an elected official and call it “Politics”, these individuals are “Sell Outs”, they sell their souls to the devil to become an elected official and they give “politics” a bad name.

Republican Assemblyman Chad Christenson who represents District 13 comes to mind. Back in 2008 Chad told a Review Journal reporter on the second-to-last day for candidate filings that he would not seek re-election, he said he would need more time to attend to his family and business and one minute before deadline on the last day of candidate filing; guess what? Chad files for office.

I am a constituent of Chad’s and I have never seen Chad at any event in Assembly District 13, and I show up at a lot of events. I even received information that members of the Las Vegas City Council have invited Chad to numerous events and he was a “no show”.

I could also remember that I invited Chad to an event at Red Rock Casino and Hotel for the National School District Police and he was a “no show”. Chad only returns calls and attends functions when it fits his purpose, I can’t even remember any Assembly Bills Chad Christenson has sponsored since he has been an Assemblyman. It seems to me he is just a vote with no vision and self serving.

Early this year Ronda Kennedy and I scheduled an appointment to meet Chad in his Carson City office during the last legislation. I felt that a face to face conversation is much better than over the phone; I needed to look into Chad’s eyes when I ask my question, because I cannot believe anything he says over the phone.

The conversation we had with Chad is as follows:

(Steve) Chad I heard that you are going to run for State Senate District 9 against Dennis Nolan in the next election.

(Chad) Where did these rumors come from? I have no intention of running for any other offices accept reelection for Assembly 13. I am happy being an Assemblyman for my constituency. A matter of fact I was asked to run for Lieutenant Governor and I turned it down.

(Steve) Chad are you sure because last election you told a reporter from the RJ that you had no intention to run for reelection for Assembly 13 and the very next day, the very next day Chad, you filed for office.

(Chad) Steve I am not going to run for Senate 9, but I will run for reelection for Assembly 13.

Chad was very adamant in his position to run for reelection for Assembly 13, he stated that it was only rumors that he would run for Senate 9; or was it?

A few days ago I received a phone call that Chad made an announcement that he would in fact run for State Senate 9 and the phone called continued. Chad told this same person that Ronda Kennedy and I was lying that he never said he would not run for State Senate 9.

I approached Chad with this question; why are you calling Ronda Kennedy and me a liar when you did make that statement and you where very adamant that you would not run for State Senate 9 and you stated that it were only rumors? Well, you know the answer; Chad refuses to answer the question.

I don’t understand why Chad Christenson doesn’t just say yes, I said that I would not run for State Senate 9 and now I just changed my mind, like always.

What is the problem with being upfront and honest?

Nevada we need to put our State first these liars and follow the leader politicians needs to go. I am sure that we could do better than this!

This is our Country we have the right to say how it should be run. We veterans have paid the ultimate sacrifice. Without us there would not be an election of any politicians. Community service is one thing putting on an American uniform and going into battle is another!

Steve Sanson
President of Veterans In Politics International
702 283 8088

Friday, September 4, 2009

Veterans In Politics Talk Show Introduces Scott Garig and Dale Davidson

Veterans In Politics Talk Show Introduces Scott Garig and Dale Davidson

LIVE on www.AllTalkRadio.net

September 5::

Scott Garig former Navy enlisted and political activist::

Dale Davidson owner of KEEN-TV 17::

"Veterans In Politics" is a weekly radio show produced by the Veterans In Politics International and hosted by Steve Sanson and co-hosted by Ronda Baldwin Kennedy on www.alltalkradio.net.

The "Veterans In Politics" show is live every Saturday 2:05 PM Pacific Time you can call in and speak to the guest or/and hosts at (702) 309-6690.

The Obama Health Care Plan

The Obama Health Care Plan

Let me see if I could understand the Obama Government Health Care Program. Our government had been denying veterans claims for health care for years. Our government gave Veterans crappy service at Walter Reed Veteran Hospital. Our government found out that they contaminated a few veterans by given them Hepatitis and HIV. Our government is having our veterans pay for their own combat related Injuries. Let's not forget having our Veterans identity stolen recently by a VA staff Worker. In addition, we have not had a VA Hospital in Southern Nevada since 2003. Oh yea, denying Agent Orange and Gulf War Syndrome for years, while veterans were Dying. Now they have provisions in the Obama Health Care bill to take care of illegal Immigrants. What about the men and women that are voters and fought for democracy given These politicians the right to get elected and govern us? Are these the type of people you want to be in charge of your health care system? They can't even take care of our Veterans. What crap! Steve SansonPresident of Veterans In Politics, Int.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Las Vegas Township Constable is for illegal immigration lets vote him out of office.

The Las Vegas Township Constable is for illegal immigration lets vote him out of office.

On July 25, 2009 on www.alltalkradio.net the Clark County Las Vegas Township Constable Robert "Bobby G" Gronauer told the interviews on the Veterans in Politics talk show that illegal have a constitutional right to be in this country and every illegal should have a roof over their heads in this country visit and listen to the interview: http://www.alltalkradio.net/alt/show.php?folder=veteransinpolitics. Listen to the attached interview and let’s vote him out of office. E-mail this to everyone you know.
If we let one elected official get away with this we need to let them all get away with it. Call his office and voice your opinion:

Las Vegas Township Robert "Bobby G." Gronauer 309 S. Third St.Las Vegas, NV 89155-2110 (702) 455-3404 (Phone) (702) 385-2436 (Fax)gronaura@co.clark.nv.us
Steve Sanson
President of Veterans In Politics
702 283 8088