Sunday, May 27, 2007

Truesdell is Ward 5's Best Candidate!

Truesdell is Ward 5's Best Candidate!
By Steve William Sanson

Las Vegas, Nevada Stacie Truesdell, at the young age of 26, has intellect and vision beyond her years. She is an attorney who has been working for the prestigious Jones Vargas Law firm for the past two years and has appeared before Las Vegas City Council numerous times. She knows the City Council and would like to put this knowledge to work by helping the citizens of Las Vegas.

When I first interviewed Truesdell about an endorsement from Veterans In Politics, she struck me as very approachable.

Truesdell is a lifetime resident of Ward 5 who cares about her community and has invested in it by purchasing her home there.

Truesdell has voted in Ward 5 for the past 9 years while her opponent who only registered to vote in that Ward less than four months ago. Her opponent only rents in Ward 5, but actually owns a home in North Las Vegas. He was even a candidate for State Assembly in North Las Vegas. I do not have a problem with North Las Vegas. My problem is with her opponent, an opportunist that lacks integrity.

Truesdell's opponent Ricki Barlow pleaded guilty for domestic violence. Although I am hoping that he has learned from this mistake, it doesn't appear that way. He recently lied to the Review Journal about the incident despite court records clearly indicating otherwise.

Truesdell has been actively involved in this community. She represented the Animal Foundation; she fought for road expansion, and stood in opposition to the spread of pawn shops in neighborhood shopping centers.

Truesdell's opponent has been the Liaison to Lawrence Weekly's administration. The Liaison should to be the first line of defense for any City Council. Yet under his watch crime and graffiti have seen a rapid increase while Ward 5 still lacks enough food shopping centers in its neighborhoods.

Truesdell represents a fresh perspective to the City Council. She does not subscribe to the old way of doing things. She has no obligations to powerful interest groups and is already well respected by all City Council members.

Truesdell will propose the following for Ward 5:

1) Revitalizing the Neighborhood Watch programs that have withered and died under other's watch.

2) Increasing our graffiti eradication program which aims to wipe out gang markings as soon as they go up.

3) Offering substantial rewards to those who report graffiti and tag painters.

4) Moving our police into neighborhood policing mode and getting officers out of their cars and into those neighborhoods.

5) Supporting the business, cultural, and religious leaders who are organizing to stop widespread violence in our neighborhoods.

6) Expanding our Police Academy and eliminating the bottleneck which currently prevents us from graduating enough new police officers to meet their goals.

Truesdell and her opponent were invited to debate on my internet talk radio show; "Face the Tribune" back on May 12. Her opponent never responded and was a no show. On that same program I had a very healthy discussion with Stacie Truesdell. She was joined by her mother as they talked about her life, her opponent, development issues, and her constituent's concerns in Ward 5.

Truesdell also visited her local Veterans of Foreign Wars Post on May 15. She spent several hours meeting her constituents and listening to the problems taking place in Ward 5.

Truesdell was given great praise for coming to this post and was told that she was the ONLY candidate that made time to visit them.I have visited and interviewed both candidates for the Las Vegas City Council Ward 5 on numerous occasions.

In my humble opinion and the opinions of the brave men and women of Veterans In Politics, Truesdell is the ONLY choice for Ward 5.

We hope that all citizens in Ward 5 would go to their polling places and make the choice for Stacie Truesdell.

E-mail: phone 702 283 8088Website:

Note: You can listen to archived broadcast of Sanson's interview with Truesdell at . Scroll down to "Face the Tribune" and click onto Full Program look for Show Archives on your right and click onto May 12, 2007.

1 comment:

Ali said...

Your site looks very lovely.
I love this writing.